A Voigt function is a convolution between a Lorentzian and Gaussian and is defined as:
Generally, the Voigt function involves a numerical integral and is therefore a computational intensive task. However, several approximations to the Voigt function exist making it palatable for fitting in a least-squares algorithm. The approximation used here is described in
The approximation uses a combination of 4 Lorentzians in two variables to generate good approximation to the true function.
Name | Default | Description |
LorentzAmp | 0.0 | Value of the Lorentzian amplitude |
LorentzPos | 0.0 | Position of the Lorentzian peak |
LorentzFWHM | 0.0 | Value of the full-width half-maximum for the Lorentzian |
GaussianFWHM | 0.0 | Value of the full-width half-maximum for the Gaussian |
Categories: FitFunctions | General