.. algorithm:: .. summary:: .. relatedalgorithms:: .. properties:: Description ----------- The algorithm will calculate a proton\_charge weighted average and standard deviation of any log value of numeric series type. All proton charges earlier than the first data are ignored. Any proton pulse is counted for the log value on the right. This means that if all proton pulses happen before the first value, and FixZero is false, the average and standard deviations are NANs. If all the proton pulses occur after the last value, and FixZero is false, the average is equal to the last value, and the standard deviation is zero. Usage ----- .. include:: ../usagedata-note.txt .. testcode:: AverageLogData #load a workspace with logs ws=Load("CNCS_7860") #apply algorithm value,error=AverageLogData(ws,LogName="ChopperStatus5") #print the values print("ChopperStatus5 : %1.3f +/- %1.3f"%(value,error)) .. testcleanup:: AverageLogData DeleteWorkspace('ws') Output: .. testoutput:: AverageLogData ChopperStatus5 : 3.942 +/- 0.309 .. categories:: .. sourcelink::