.. algorithm:: .. summary:: .. relatedalgorithms:: .. properties:: Description ----------- This algorithm obtains the investigations from all active catalogs that exist in *my data* (those of which you are an investigator). If a session is passed to this algorithm then *only* the investigations for that catalog will be returned. Usage ----- **Example - obtaining 'My data' from ICAT.** .. code-block:: python # Assuming you have previously logged into the catalog. my_data = CatalogMyDataSearch() # Verify that we have any investigations in 'My Data' print("The number of investigations in 'My data' is: {}".format(len(my_data))) # Output the title of each investigation in 'My data' for row in my_data: print("The title of the investigation is: {}".format(row['Title'])) Output: .. code-block:: none The number of investigations in 'My data' is: 1 The title of the investigation is: Mantid Test Investigation .. categories:: .. sourcelink::