.. algorithm:: .. summary:: .. relatedalgorithms:: .. properties:: Description ----------- This algorithm changes the sign of Q and the label of the workspace convention. This should only be used on MD workspaces that contain only Q or HKL dimensions. If there are other dimensions, user should still run this algorithm (so that the convention flag is changed), but then run TransformMD with -1 for the non-Q dimensions. Usage ----- **Example - an example of running ChangeQConvention with PointGroup option.** .. testcode:: ExChangeQConventionOption mdws = LoadMD('MAPS_MDEW.nxs') dim = mdws.getXDimension() print("X range of Q {} {}".format(dim.getX(0), dim.getX(1))) ChangeQConvention(mdws) mdws = mtd['mdws'] dim = mdws.getXDimension() print("X range of Q after ChangeQConvention {} {}".format(dim.getX(0), dim.getX(1))) Output: .. testoutput:: ExChangeQConventionOption X range of Q 0.0 10.0 X range of Q after ChangeQConvention -10.0 0.0 .. categories:: .. sourcelink::