.. algorithm:: .. summary:: .. relatedalgorithms:: .. properties:: Description ----------- Only for ILL usage. In the future, ILL plans to load data in raw format (no units used). The X-axis represent the time *channel number*. This algorithm converts the *channel number* to time of flight using the distances source-sample-detectors defined in the IDF. In addition, the user has to input the fields: - **ListOfSpectraIndices** - Spectrum or list of spectra to look for the elastic peak. Note that the spectra chosen must be at the same distance. - **ListOfChannelIndices** - Elastic peak channels - For the selected spetra above, the list/range of channels to look for the elastic peak (e.g. range). Note that the Input Workspace must have the following properties: - ``wavelength`` - ``channel_width`` Instead of using the fields above (ListOfSpectraIndices and ListOfChannelIndices), the user can specify the Elastic Peak Position (channel number) and the respective spectrum, using the following fields: - **ElasticPeakPosition** - **ElasticPeakPositionSpectrum** .. categories:: .. sourcelink::