.. algorithm:: .. summary:: .. relatedalgorithms:: .. properties:: Description ----------- This algorithm takes a :ref:`Workspace2D ` with any binning or units as its input. An event is created for each bin of each histogram, except if the bin count is 0.0 (unless ``GenerateZeros`` is true). Infinity and NAN (not-a-number) values are always skipped. Each event is created with an X position (typically time-of-flight) equal to the **center** of the bin. The weight and error of the event are taken from the histogram value. If the ``GenerateMultipleEvents`` option is set, then instead of a single event per bin, a certain number of events evenly distributed along the X bin are generated. The number of events generated in each bin is calculated by N = (Y/E)^2. However, it is limited to a max of ``MaxEventsPerBin`` and a minimum of 1 event per bin. Note that using ``GenerateZeros`` or ``GenerateMultipleEvents`` may use a lot of memory! .. categories:: .. sourcelink::