.. algorithm:: .. summary:: .. relatedalgorithms:: .. properties:: Description ----------- This algorithm creates an empty MDEventWorkspace from scratch. The workspace can have any number of dimensions (up to ~20). Each dimension must have its name, units, extents specified as comma-spearated string. The SplitInto parameter determines how splitting of dense boxes will be performed. For example, if SplitInto=5 and the number of dimensions is 3, then each box will get split into 5x5x5 sub-boxes. The SplitThreshold parameter determines how many events to keep in a box before splitting it into sub-boxes. This value can significantly affect performance/memory use! Too many events per box will mean unnecessary iteration and a slowdown in general. Too few events per box will waste memory with the overhead of boxes. You can create a file-backed MDEventWorkspace by specifying the Filename and Memory parameters. Usage ----- **Example** .. testcode:: Example mdws = CreateMDWorkspace(Dimensions=3, Extents='-10,10,-10,10,-10,10', Names='A,B,C', Units='U,U,U') print("mdws is a " + mdws.id()) print("with {0} dimensions:".format(mdws.getNumDims())) for i in range (mdws.getNumDims()): print(mdws.getDimension(i).name) Output: .. testoutput:: Example mdws is a MDEventWorkspace with 3 dimensions: A B C .. categories:: .. sourcelink::