.. algorithm:: .. summary:: .. relatedalgorithms:: .. properties:: Description ----------- This algorithm can be used to create a: - :ref:`PeaksWorkspace ` (Default, or when `OutputType` is set to `Peak`.) - :ref:`LeanElasticPeaksWorkspace ` (when `OutputType` is set to `LeanElasticPeak`) Use :ref:`algm-LoadIsawPeaks` or :ref:`algm-FindPeaksMD` to create a peaks workspace with peaks. This workspace can serve as a starting point for modifying the :ref:`PeaksWorkspace `, using the GUI or python scripting, for example. If the input workspace is a MDWorkspace then the instrument from the first experiment info is used. Usage ----- **Example: An empty table, not tied to an instrument** .. testcode:: ExEmptyPeaksworkspaceTable ws = CreatePeaksWorkspace() print("Created a {} with {} rows".format(ws.id(), ws.rowCount())) Output: .. testoutput:: ExEmptyPeaksworkspaceTable Created a PeaksWorkspace with 0 rows **Example: Create an empty LeanElasticPeaksWorkspace, not tied to an instrument** .. testcode:: ExEmptyLeanElasticPeaksworkspaceTable ws = CreatePeaksWorkspace(NumberOfPeaks=0, OutputType="LeanElasticPeak") print("Created a {} with {} rows".format(ws.id(), ws.rowCount())) Output: .. testoutput:: ExEmptyLeanElasticPeaksworkspaceTable Created a LeanElasticPeaksWorkspace with 0 rows **Example: With a few peaks in place** .. testcode:: ExTableWithRows sampleWs = CreateSampleWorkspace() ws = CreatePeaksWorkspace(InstrumentWorkspace=sampleWs,NumberOfPeaks=3) print("Created a {} with {} rows".format(ws.id(), ws.rowCount())) Output: .. testoutput:: ExTableWithRows Created a PeaksWorkspace with 3 rows .. categories:: .. sourcelink::