.. algorithm:: .. summary:: .. relatedalgorithms:: .. properties:: Description ----------- Removes a named log from the run attached to the input workspace. If the log does not exist then the algorithm simply emits a warning and does not fail. Usage ----- **Example - Deleting a log** .. testcode:: DeleteLogExample # Create a host workspace demo_ws = CreateWorkspace(DataX=range(0,3), DataY=(0,2)) # Add a sample log AddSampleLog(Workspace=demo_ws, LogName='my_log', LogText='1', LogType='Number') print('Log is present before deletion: {}'.format(demo_ws.getRun().hasProperty('my_log'))) # Now delete it DeleteLog(demo_ws,'my_log') print('Log is present after deletion: {}'.format(demo_ws.getRun().hasProperty('my_log'))) Output: .. testoutput:: DeleteLogExample Log is present before deletion: True Log is present after deletion: False .. categories:: .. sourcelink::