.. algorithm:: .. summary:: .. relatedalgorithms:: .. properties:: Description ----------- This algorithm calculates self shielding correction factors for the input workspace. It is part of :ref:`ILL's direct geometry reduction suite `. *InputWorkspace* should have a sample defined using :ref:`SetSample `. Beam profile can be optionally set using :ref:`SetBeam `. The algorithm uses :ref:`MonteCarloAbsorption ` as its backend. To speed up the simulation, the sparse instrument option of :ref:`MonteCarloAbsorption ` is used by default. The number of detectors to simulate can be given by *SparseInstrumentRows* and *SparseInstrumentColumns*. The correction factors are calculated for each bin. The correction factor contained within the *OutputWorkspace* can be further fed to :ref:`DirectILLApplySelfShielding `. Usage ----- For usage of this algorithm, check the examples :ref:`here `. .. categories:: .. sourcelink::