.. algorithm:: .. summary:: .. relatedalgorithms:: .. properties:: Description ----------- This algorithm extends the :ref:`TOFSANSResolution ` to implement the experimentally determined TOF resolution for EQSANS. The Q resolution for a TOF SANS has two components: a geometrical contribution and a contributions from the resolution in TOF. The TOF resolution for EQSANS was measured to be: :math:`\Delta T = y_0 + A ( f/(1+\exp((\lambda-x^0_1)/k_1)) + (1-f)/(1+\exp((\lambda-x^0_2)/k_2)) )` where :math:`\lambda` is the wavelength and :math:`y_0 = -388` :math:`A = 3838` :math:`f = 0.04398` :math:`x^0_1 = 3.392` :math:`x^0_2 = 134.3` :math:`k_1 = -0.5587` :math:`k_2 = -65.46` This algorithm is generally not called directly. It's called by :ref:`EQSANSAzimuthalAverage1D ` after the calculation of I(Q). It can only be applied to an I(Q) workspace. .. categories:: .. sourcelink::