.. algorithm:: .. summary:: .. relatedalgorithms:: .. properties:: Description ----------- This algorithm performs the ElasticWindow algorithm over a set of workspaces provided as a workspace group, the binning of each workspace must match. The Q and Q-squared output workspaces show the output of ElasticWindow for each input workspace, the ELF workspace shows the data transposed with the X axis in either sample temperature or run number of temperature is not available. The ELT workspace shows the normalisation of the ELF workspace to run with the lowest sample temperature. Workflow -------- .. diagram:: ElasticWindowMultiple-v1_wkflw.dot Usage ----- .. testcode:: exElasticWindowMultiple # This test needs the facility to be set to ISIS to load the IRIS instrument facility = config['default.facility'] config['default.facility'] = 'ISIS' # Create some sample data widths = [15.0, 17.5, 20.0, 22.5, 25.0, 27.5, 30.0] for idx, fwhm in enumerate(widths): ws_name = 'ws_%.1f' % fwhm function = 'name=Lorentzian,Amplitude=100,PeakCentre=27500,FWHM=%f' % fwhm CreateSampleWorkspace(Function='User Defined', UserDefinedFunction=function, XMin=27000, XMax=28000, BinWidth=10, NumBanks=1, OutputWorkspace=ws_name) ConvertUnits(InputWorkspace=ws_name, OutputWorkspace=ws_name, Target='DeltaE', EMode='Indirect', EFixed=1.555) Rebin(InputWorkspace=ws_name, OutputWorkspace=ws_name, Params=[-0.2,0.004,0.2]) LoadInstrument(Workspace=ws_name, InstrumentName='IRIS', RewriteSpectraMap=True) SetInstrumentParameter(Workspace=ws_name, ParameterName='Efixed', DetectorList=range(1,113), ParameterType='Number', Value='1.555') mtd[ws_name].mutableRun()['run_number'] = idx + 1 input = GroupWorkspaces(InputWorkspaces=['ws_%.1f' % fwhm for fwhm in widths]) # Run the algorithm q, q2, elf = ElasticWindowMultiple(input, -0.1, 0.1) print('ELF X axis: %s' % elf.getAxis(0).getUnit().caption()) print('ELF spectra count: %d' % elf.getNumberHistograms()) print('ELF bin count: %d' % elf.blocksize()) # Reset the facility to the original setting config['default.facility'] = facility .. testoutput:: exElasticWindowMultiple ELF X axis: Run No ELF spectra count: 100 ELF bin count: 7 .. categories:: .. sourcelink::