.. algorithm:: .. summary:: .. relatedalgorithms:: .. properties:: Description ----------- This algorithm corrects the data and error values on a workspace by the value of an exponential function of the form :math:`{\rm C0} e^{-{\rm C1} x}`. This formula is calculated for each data point, with the value of *x* being the mid-point of the bin in the case of histogram data. The data and error values are either divided or multiplied by the value of this function, according to the setting of the Operation property. Usage ----- **Example - ExponentialCorrection with divide & multiply.** .. testcode:: ExponentialCorrection ws = CreateSampleWorkspace() print("The first Y value before correction is: {}".format((ws.dataY(0)[1]))) # By default, the Divide operation is used to correct the data. # The result is saved into another workspace, which can also be itself. ws_divide = ExponentialCorrection(InputWorkspace=ws,C0=2.0,C1=1.0,Operation="Divide") ws_multiply = ExponentialCorrection(InputWorkspace=ws,C0=2.0,C1=1.0,Operation="Multiply") print("The first Y value after divide correction is: {:.11e}".format(ws_divide.dataY(0)[1])) print("The first Y value after multiply correction is: {:.11e}".format(ws_multiply.dataY(0)[1])) Output: .. testoutput:: ExponentialCorrection The first Y value before correction is: 0.3 The first Y value after divide correction is: 2.91363959286e+129 The first Y value after multiply correction is: 3.08892013345e-131 .. categories:: .. sourcelink::