.. algorithm:: .. summary:: .. relatedalgorithms:: .. properties:: Description ----------- This algorithm is intended to write out portions of an instrument's geometry in the :ref:`Instrument Definition File ` xml format. The resulting file is meant to be copied by-hand into a geometry file, the output is not a useable IDF as written. The main use of this algorithm is if the instrument geometry is calibrated in mantid, this algorithm can be used to help get the information back into the initial instrument definition file. Usage ----- .. testcode:: ExportGeometry LoadEmptyInstrument(Filename="NOMAD_Definition.xml", OutputWorkspace="NOM_geom") import mantid filename=mantid.config.getString("defaultsave.directory")+"NOMgeometry.xml" ExportGeometry(InputWorkspace="NOM_geom", Components="bank46,bank47", Filename=filename) import os if os.path.isfile(filename): print("File created: True") .. testcleanup:: ExportGeometry DeleteWorkspace("NOM_geom") import mantid filename=mantid.config.getString("defaultsave.directory")+"NOMgeometry.xml" import os if os.path.isfile(filename): os.remove(filename) Output: .. testoutput:: ExportGeometry File created: True .. categories:: .. sourcelink::