.. algorithm:: .. summary:: .. relatedalgorithms:: .. properties:: Description ----------- Creates a calibration workspace to be used with inelastic indirect reductions, allowing for the correction of relative detector intensities. Either a single run file or range of runs in *.raw* format can be given to the algorithm which are then merged into a single run using :ref:`MergeRuns `, a flat background is then calculated and normalised to give the output workspace. .. note:: This algorithm only supports files containing histogram data. Workflow -------- .. diagram:: IndirectCalibration-v1_wkflw.dot Usage ----- **Example - create calibration workspace for IRIS** .. include:: ../usagedata-note.txt .. testcode:: ExIndirectCalibrationSimple # Create a calibration workspace cal_ws = IndirectCalibration(InputFiles='IRS26173.raw', DetectorRange='3,53', PeakRange='62500,65000', BackgroundRange='59000,61500') print('Calibration workspace has {:d} bin(s) and {:d} spectra.'.format( cal_ws.blocksize(), cal_ws.getNumberHistograms())) Output: .. testoutput:: ExIndirectCalibrationSimple Calibration workspace has 1 bin(s) and 51 spectra. .. categories:: .. sourcelink::