.. algorithm:: .. summary:: .. relatedalgorithms:: .. properties:: Description ----------- This algorithm reduces data acquired by the diffraction detectors of **IN16B** indirect geometry instrument at **ILL**. Ultimately, it will handle both BATS and Doppler data, but the later is the only one implemented as of now. Doppler ------- To reduce data acquired in Doppler mode, this algorithms sums data over all Doppler channels and normalize by monitor counts. Usage ----- **Example - IndirectILLReductionDIFF** .. testsetup:: ExIndirectILLReductionDIFF config['default.facility'] = 'ILL' config['default.instrument'] = 'IN16B' .. testcode:: ExIndirectILLReductionDIFF ws = IndirectILLEnergyTransfer(Run='ILL/IN16B/276047.nxs') print("Reduced workspace has {:d} spectra".format(ws.getItem(0).getNumberHistograms())) print("and {:d} bins.".format(ws.getItem(0).blocksize())) Output: .. testoutput:: ExIndirectILLReductionDIFF Reduced workspace has 18 spectra and 512 bins. .. testcleanup:: ExIndirectILLReductionDIFF DeleteWorkspace('ws') .. categories:: .. sourcelink::