.. algorithm:: .. summary:: .. relatedalgorithms:: .. properties:: Description ----------- Creates a resolution workspace for an inelastic indirect sample run by summing all spectra in the energy transfer and subtracting a flat background to give a single resolution curve. Rebinning and intensity scaling can optionally be applied to the result. Workflow -------- .. diagram:: IndirectResolution-v1_wkflw.dot Usage ----- .. include:: ../usagedata-note.txt **Example - Running IndirectResolution.** .. testcode:: ExIndirectResolutionSimple resolution = IndirectResolution(InputFiles='IRS26173.raw', Instrument='IRIS', Analyser='graphite', Reflection='002', DetectorRange=[3, 53], BackgroundRange=[-0.16, -0.14], RebinParam='-0.175,0.002,0.175') print('Number of histograms: {:d}'.format(resolution.getNumberHistograms())) print('Number of bins: {:d}'.format(resolution.blocksize())) Output: .. testoutput:: ExIndirectResolutionSimple Number of histograms: 1 Number of bins: 175 .. categories:: .. sourcelink::