.. algorithm:: .. summary:: .. relatedalgorithms:: .. properties:: Description ----------- If a spectrum in the input workspace contains function :math:`f(x)` then the corresponding spectrum in the output workspace has its indefinite integral: :math:`\int_{x_0}^x f(\xi)d\xi`. Usage ----- **Example - IntegrateFlux** .. testcode:: IntegrateFluxExample # Create an event workspace ws = CreateSampleWorkspace(WorkspaceType="Event", XUnit="Momentum") # Integrate all spectra. wsOut = IntegrateFlux( ws ) # Print the result print("The input workspace has {} spectra".format(ws.getNumberHistograms())) print("The output workspace has {} spectra".format(wsOut.getNumberHistograms())) Output: .. testoutput:: IntegrateFluxExample The input workspace has 200 spectra The output workspace has 200 spectra .. categories:: .. sourcelink::