.. algorithm:: .. summary:: .. relatedalgorithms:: .. properties:: Description ----------- Loads the given file, which should be in the CanSAS1d format specified by canSAS 1D Data Formats Working Group schema http://svn.smallangles.net/svn/canSAS/1dwg/trunk/cansas1d.xsd and creates output workspace. CANSAS has a Wiki page at http://www.smallangles.net/wgwiki/index.php/canSAS_Working_Groups If the file contains multiple SASentry elements a workspace group will be created and each SASentry will be one workspace in the group. Loading multiple SASdata elements is not supported. Usage ----- **Example - Save/Load "Roundtrip"** .. testcode:: ExSimpleSavingRoundtrip import os # Create dummy workspace. dataX = [0,1,2,3] dataY = [9,5,7] out_ws = CreateWorkspace(dataX, dataY, UnitX="MomentumTransfer") file_path = os.path.join(config["defaultsave.directory"], "canSASData.xml") # Do a "roundtrip" of the data. SaveCanSAS1D(out_ws, file_path) in_ws = LoadCanSAS1D(file_path) print("Contents of the file = {}.".format(in_ws.readY(0))) .. testcleanup:: ExSimpleSavingRoundtrip os.remove(file_path) Output: .. testoutput:: ExSimpleSavingRoundtrip Contents of the file = [ 9. 5. 7.]. .. categories:: .. sourcelink::