.. algorithm:: .. summary:: .. relatedalgorithms:: .. properties:: Description ----------- This algorithm is to enable you to inspect the instrument geometry without having to load a full data file. This algorithm works with both :ref:`Instrument Definition Files ` and `NeXus format `_ (hdf5) files. Input files only provide the instrument geometry. The instrument is referred to as being empty because there is no real data associated with it. The algorithm provides some limited options to determine what fake data will be used. Usage ----- **Example - Loading an instrument IDF from an XML file** .. testcode:: exLoadEmptyInstrumentXML wsOut = LoadEmptyInstrument(Filename="INES_Definition.xml") print("The workspace contains {} spectra".format(wsOut.getNumberHistograms())) Output: .. testoutput:: exLoadEmptyInstrumentXML The workspace contains 146 spectra **Example - Loading an instrument from an NeXus file** .. testcode:: exLoadEmptyInstrumentNXS ws = LoadEmptyInstrument(Filename="LOKI_Definition.hdf5") print("The workspace contains {} spectra".format(ws.getNumberHistograms())) print("Instrument is {}".format(ws.getInstrument().getName())) Output: .. testoutput:: exLoadEmptyInstrumentNXS The workspace contains 8000 spectra Instrument is LOKI .. categories:: .. sourcelink::