.. algorithm:: .. summary:: .. relatedalgorithms:: .. properties:: Description ----------- This algorithm loads a :ref:`MDEventWorkspace ` that was previously saved using the :ref:`algm-SaveMD` algorithm to a .nxs file format. If the workspace is too large to fit into memory, You can load the workspace as a :ref:`file-backed MDWorkspace ` by checking the FileBackEnd option. This will load the box structure (allowing for some visualization with no speed penalty) but leave the events on disk until requested. Processing file-backed MDWorkspaces is significantly slower than in-memory workspaces due to frequent file access! For file-backed workspaces, the Memory option allows you to specify a cache size, in MB, to keep events in memory before caching to disk. Finally, the BoxStructureOnly and MetadataOnly options are for special situations and used by other algorithms, they should not be needed in daily use. Usage ----- .. include:: ../usagedata-note.txt **Example - Load MD workspace.** .. testcode:: ExLoadMD # Load sample MDEvent workspace, present in Mantid unit tests mdws = LoadMD('MAPS_MDEW.nxs'); # Check results print("Workspace type is: {}".format(mdws.id())) print("Workspace has:{0:2} dimensions and contains: {1:4} MD events".format(mdws.getNumDims(),mdws.getNEvents())) Output: .. testoutput:: ExLoadMD Workspace type is: MDEventWorkspace Workspace has: 4 dimensions and contains: 0 MD events .. categories:: .. sourcelink::