.. algorithm:: .. summary:: .. relatedalgorithms:: .. properties:: Description ----------- Reads a McStas NeXus file into a Mantid WorkspaceGroup with a user-supplied name. Data generated by McStas monitor components are stored in workspaces of type :ref:`Workspace2D `. All data sets are numbered and nested within the WorkspaceGroup. This algorithm is under development. To date it has been tested with the following instrument files from the McStas 2.0 instrument suite: templateDIFF, templateLaue, templateTAS, Reflectometer, Test\_Pol\_TripleAxis, TestSANS and Tomography. For more information about McStas and its general usage for simulating neutron scattering instruments and experiments visit the McStas homepage http://www.mcstas.org. .. categories:: .. sourcelink::