.. algorithm:: .. summary:: .. relatedalgorithms:: .. properties:: Description ----------- Algorithm to load an NXSPE file into a workspace2D. It will create a new instrument, that can be overwritten later by the LoadInstrument algorithm. **NOTE:** The final energy of indirect geometry data is not saved to this file. For indirect data, we recommend to save the data in NXS format instead. **NOTE:** In the current implementation, the rendering of the NXSPE instrument is VERY memory intensive. **NOTE:** This algorithm also sets to true the `distribution` flag on the output workspace. This is because all examples of workspaces saved to `NXSPE` format by the reduction algorithms are distributions (signal is count rate and should be multiplied by bin widths to get counts). :ref:`algm-SaveNXSPE` does not require its input is a distribution, however, and the `NXSPE` format does not have a distribution flag. Usage ----- See :ref:`algm-SaveNXSPE` usage examples where Save and Load NXSPE operations are tested together. .. categories:: .. sourcelink::