.. algorithm:: .. summary:: .. relatedalgorithms:: .. properties:: Description ----------- Loads the given file in the SESANS text format. The file begins with a number of compulsory headers, the first of which must be 'FileFormatVersion'. There are four compulsory data columns - SpinEchoLength, Depolarisation, Depolarisation_error and Wavelength. The output workspace has X values of SpinEchoLength and Y values of depolarisation. Usage ----- **Example - Loading a file** .. testcode:: LoadSESANSRoundTrip import os # Create dummy workspace dataX = [1,2,3,4,5] dataY = [6,1,9,14] dataE = [1,1,4,5] out_ws = CreateWorkspace(dataX, dataY, dataE) out_ws.setTitle("Dummy workspace") file_path = os.path.join(config["defaultsave.directory"], "example.ses") # Do a 'roundtrip' of the data SaveSESANS(InputWorkspace=out_ws, Filename=file_path, ThetaZMax=1,ThetaYMax=1, EchoConstant=1, Sample="Sample", OverrideSampleThickness=True) LoadSESANS(Filename=file_path, OutputWorkspace="in_ws") # Retrieve loaded workspace from ADS in_ws = mtd["in_ws"] print("Y values of loaded workspace = {}".format(in_ws.readY(0))) .. testcleanup:: LoadSESANSRoundTrip os.remove(file_path) Output: .. testoutput:: LoadSESANSRoundTrip Y values of loaded workspace = [ ... ... ... ...] .. categories:: .. sourcelink::