.. algorithm:: .. summary:: .. relatedalgorithms:: .. properties:: Description ----------- Loads the file given into a :ref:`Workspace2D ` with the given name. The file should be in the SPE format, which is described `here `_. The workspace will have X units of :ref:`Energy transfer `. The other axis will be binned and have units of either `Momentum transfer / Q `_ or degrees, depending on the label in the input file. The workspace will be flagged as a distribution. File Format ########### The expected file format is detailed on the :ref:`algm-SaveSPE` page. Usage ----- **Example - Load an SPE file:** .. testcode:: ExLoadSPE #run the loader by pointing it at the appropriate file. #If it's in your managed user directories there's no need for an absolute path ws1 = LoadSPE("Example.spe") print("Number of Spectra: {}".format(ws1.getNumberHistograms())) print("Number of Bins: {}".format(ws1.blocksize())) Output: .. testoutput:: ExLoadSPE Number of Spectra: 32 Number of Bins: 195 .. categories:: .. sourcelink::