.. algorithm:: .. summary:: .. relatedalgorithms:: .. properties:: Description ----------- This algorithm loads a NeXus file that conforms to the TOFRaw format and stores it in a 2D workspace. The TOFRaw format is used at SNS and consists of a histogram representation with common bin boundaries. Some NXS files have multiple data fields giving binning in other units (e.g. d-spacing or momentum). You can choose which binning to use by entering the **Signal** parameter. The default value is 1, which normally will correspond to TOF. The "Y" units will still be in *counts*. The typical meanings of Signal are as follows (note that these may change!): - Signal 1: Time of flight. The data field containing the bin boundaries is *time\_of\_flight* - Signal 5: q. The data field containing the bin boundaries is *momentum\_transfer* - Signal 6: d-spacing. The data field containing the bin boundaries is *dspacing* .. categories:: .. sourcelink::