.. algorithm:: .. summary:: .. relatedalgorithms:: .. properties:: Description ----------- This algorithm takes the peak table resulting from one of the POLDI peak fitting routines (for example :ref:`algm-PoldiFitPeaks1D`) and summarizes the data in another table with the relevant information. Usage ----- .. include:: ../usagedata-note.txt **Example - PoldiPeakSummary** .. testcode:: PoldiPeakSummaryExample # Load data file and instrument, perform correlation analysis raw_6904 = LoadSINQFile(Filename = "poldi2013n006904.hdf", Instrument = "POLDI") LoadInstrument(raw_6904, RewriteSpectraMap=True, InstrumentName = "POLDI") correlated_6904 = PoldiAutoCorrelation(raw_6904) # Run peak search algorithm, store peaks in TableWorkspace peaks_6904 = PoldiPeakSearch(correlated_6904) PoldiFitPeaks1D(InputWorkspace = correlated_6904, FwhmMultiples = 4.0, PeakFunction = "Gaussian", PoldiPeakTable = peaks_6904, OutputWorkspace = "peaks_refined_6904", FitPlotsWorkspace = "fit_plots_6904") summary_6904 = PoldiPeakSummary(mtd["peaks_refined_6904"]) print("Number of refined peaks: {}".format(summary_6904.rowCount())) print("Number of columns that describe a peak: {}".format(summary_6904.columnCount())) Output: .. testoutput:: PoldiPeakSummaryExample Number of refined peaks: 13 Number of columns that describe a peak: 6 .. categories:: .. sourcelink::