.. algorithm:: .. summary:: .. relatedalgorithms:: .. properties:: Description ----------- This algorithm performs the data reduction for the D2B instrument at the ILL, and also for D20 when doing a detector scan. Input Runs ---------- Provide the list of the input runs, that is the runs corresponding to a single detector scan, following the syntax in :py:obj:`MultipleFileProperty `. Note that for this algorithm ``508093:508095`` and ``508093-508095`` would be equivalent; in either case it will load and process the runs separately and then finally merge them with :ref:`SumOverlappingTubes `. Calibration ----------- The NeXus files for D2B contain raw data and pre-calibrated data. Either of these can be used when loading. Note that, when reading the calibrated data, the even-numbered tubes will not be flipped, since they are flipped in the nexus files already. Normalisation Options --------------------- The default is for normalisation to monitor, in which case the counts will be scaled up by 10ˆ6 after dividing by monitor counts. Output ------ The output from the algorithm is a :py:obj:`WorkspaceGroup `, containing the requested outputs: * **Output2DTubes** - Outputs a 2D workspace of tube height against scattering angle. In other words with no correction for Debye-Scherrer cones. It is expected that this is only used for checking alignment. * **Output2D** - Outputs a 2D workspace of height along tube against scattering angle for pixel in tube. Here there is effectively a correction for the Debye-Scherrer cones. * **Output1D** - Outputs a 1D workspace of counts against scattering angle. The vertical integration range for this is set in the ``HeightRange`` option. Note for D20 only the ``Output1D`` option will be relevant. For ``Output2DTubes`` only the negative scattering angles are included, they are excluded for ``Output2D`` and ``Output1D``. Use :ref:`SaveFocusedXYE ` to save in FullProf format #10, or :ref:`SaveGSS ` for GSAS format. Workflow -------- .. diagram:: PowderILLDetectorScan-v1_wkflw.dot Related Algorithms ------------------ :ref:`PowderILLParameterScan ` can be used for D20 where the detector is static, and another variable such as temperature is scanned instead. Usage ----- **Example - PowderILLDetectorScan** .. testsetup:: ExPowderILLDetectorScan config['default.facility'] = 'ILL' config['default.instrument'] = 'D2B' config.appendDataSearchSubDir('ILL/D2B/') .. testcode:: ExPowderILLDetectorScan red_ws = PowderILLDetectorScan(Run='508093:508095', Output2DTubes=True, Output2D=True, Output1D=True) print("'2DTubes' output workspace has {0} diffractograms having {1} bins each".format(red_ws[0].getNumberHistograms(), red_ws[0].blocksize())) print("'2D' output workspace has {0} diffractograms having {1} bins each".format(red_ws[1].getNumberHistograms(), red_ws[1].blocksize())) print("'1D' output workspace has {0} diffractograms having {1} bins each".format(red_ws[2].getNumberHistograms(), red_ws[2].blocksize())) Output: .. testoutput:: ExPowderILLDetectorScan '2DTubes' output workspace has 128 diffractograms having 3024 bins each '2D' output workspace has 128 diffractograms having 3024 bins each '1D' output workspace has 1 diffractograms having 3024 bins each .. testcleanup:: ExPowderILLDetectorScan mtd.remove('red_ws') .. categories:: .. sourcelink::