.. algorithm:: .. summary:: .. relatedalgorithms:: .. properties:: Description ----------- This algorithm performs the data reduction for D20 and D1B instruments at the ILL. Input runs ---------- Provide the list of the input runs (e.g. one `.nxs` file corresponding to a single temperature point) following the syntax in :py:obj:`MultipleFileProperty `. Summing of individual runs is possible, and if requested it will be carried out by :ref:`MergeRuns `, taking into account the metadata. The list of unsummed files will be eventually combined with :ref:`ConjoinXRuns `. Scanning observable ------------------- The scanning observable can be any numeric sample log entry (scalar or time series). It is possible to request ordering and/or equidistant rebinning of the observable axis for the final result. Calibration file ---------------- This has to be a processed `.nxs` file containing a single-column workspace of calibration constants generated by :ref:`PowderILLEfficiency `, and then saved with :ref:`SaveNexusProcessed `. Normalisation options --------------------- Choose one of the 4 options suggested. If region-of-interest (ROI) normalisation is requested, provide ROI as a list of ranges in scattering angle in degrees, for example **10,20,50,100** will mean **[10-20]** and **[50-100]**. Output ------ The output of the algorithm is a single workspace, one spectrum (diffractogram) per each observable (e.g. temperature) point. This algorithm does not save the output to a file itself. Use :ref:`SaveFocusedXYE ` to save in FullProf format #10, or :ref:`SaveGSS ` for GSAS format. Workflow -------- .. diagram:: PowderILLParameterScan-v1_wkflw.dot Related Algorithms ------------------ :ref:`PowderILLEfficiency ` reads a detector-scan run and calculates the detector efficiency constants. Usage ----- **Example - PowderILLParameterScan** .. testsetup:: ExPowderILLParameterScan config['default.facility'] = 'ILL' config['default.instrument'] = 'D20' config.appendDataSearchSubDir('ILL/D20/') .. testcode:: ExPowderILLParameterScan red_ws = PowderILLParameterScan(Run='967087,967088') print("Reduced workspace has {0} diffractograms having {1} bins each".format(red_ws.getNumberHistograms(),red_ws.blocksize())) print("The first one corresponds to T={0:.2f} K".format(red_ws.getAxis(1).extractValues()[0])) print("The first one corresponds to T={0:.2f} K".format(red_ws.getAxis(1).extractValues()[1])) Output: .. testoutput:: ExPowderILLParameterScan Reduced workspace has 2 diffractograms having 3008 bins each The first one corresponds to T=253.92 K The first one corresponds to T=242.82 K .. testcleanup:: ExPowderILLParameterScan mtd.remove('red_ws') .. categories:: .. sourcelink::