.. algorithm:: .. summary:: .. relatedalgorithms:: .. properties:: Description ----------- RadiusSum sums the counts in rings against radius. Below, there is an example of the execution of the RadiusSum to a :ref:`Workspace2D ` where the position of the pixels are not associated to detector positions, but it is derived from the Axes. .. figure:: /images/ExecuteRadiusSum.png :width: 800px The image below shows a visual interpretation for the inputs of the algorithm .. figure:: /images/RadiusSumInputs.png :width: 300px The Algorithm create **NumBins** rings around the **Centre** point each one with :math:`width = BinSize` for :math:`BinSize=\frac{MaxRadius-MinRadius}{NumBins}`. The algorithm applies a rudimentary calculation to define the bin for each that each pixel or detector in the :ref:`Workspace2D `, but taking its center point. If the center point belongs to one bin, it is considered that the whole pixel belongs to the bin. The picture below, shows what does this means. An ideal solution for RadiusSum is the left image, while the right image is what is current implemented. .. figure:: /images/RadiusSumSolutions.png :width: 300px Although the images were applied to an image :ref:`Workspace2D `, the image below shows that it is possible to apply this algorithm to Workspaces attached to instruments. .. figure:: /images/RadiusSumInstrument.png :width: 800 px .. categories:: .. sourcelink::