.. algorithm:: .. summary:: .. relatedalgorithms:: .. properties:: Description ----------- Remove the prompt pulse tor a time of flight measurement. Specifying the ``Tmin`` and ``Tmax`` parameters can speed up performance of this algorithm with EventWorkspace. These two parameters will only limit the possible locations of prompt pulses and are **not** used to crop the data to a range. Usage ----- .. testcode:: RemovePromptPulse #Create a workspace from numpy import * x=arange(0,100000,10) y=0*x+1 w=CreateWorkspace(x,y[1:],UnitX="TOF") #apply algorithm w1=RemovePromptPulse(w,Width=5000,Frequency=50) #The prompt pulses at 50Hz are at 0, 2e4, 4e4, 6e4,8e4 microseconds #do some checks x=w1.dataX(0) y=w1.dataY(0) print("Y( {} ) = {:.1f}".format(x[100], y[100])) print("Y( {} ) = {:.1f}".format(x[1000], y[1000])) print("Y( {} ) = {:.1f}".format(x[4100], y[4100])) print("Y( {} ) = {:.1f}".format(x[5000], y[5000])) .. testcleanup:: RemovePromptPulse DeleteWorkspace('w') DeleteWorkspace('w1') Output: .. testoutput:: RemovePromptPulse Y( 1000.0 ) = 0.0 Y( 10000.0 ) = 1.0 Y( 41000.0 ) = 0.0 Y( 50000.0 ) = 1.0 The spectra should look like .. figure:: /images/RemovePromptPulse.png :alt: RemovePromptPulse.png .. categories:: .. sourcelink::