.. algorithm:: .. summary:: .. relatedalgorithms:: .. properties:: Description ----------- Strips the log property values of "inst\_abrv", "run\_number", "user\_name", "run\_title" and "hd\_dur" from the specified run files, and compiles a TableWorkspace of the result. Uses multiple calls to :ref:`algm-CreateLogPropertyTable` create the final result table. .. figure:: /images/ConvertToEnergyInfoTable.png :alt: Output workspace generated by inspecting runs 12218-12229 and having the default instrument set to TOSCA. Output workspace generated by inspecting runs 12218-12229 and having the default instrument set to TOSCA. Limitations ----------- Currently, only ISIS instruments with runs that have the *full* list of log properties are supported. :ref:`algm-CreateLogPropertyTable` is available to those users who wish to "brew their own" version of this algorithm. Usage ----- **Example - Creating an Information Table For a Single Run** .. include:: ../usagedata-note.txt .. testsetup:: ExSingleRun old_inst = config['default.instrument'] old_facility = config['default.facility'] .. testcode:: ExSingleRun # The algorithm takes note of your default facililty/instrument. # You can change these settings in the interface, or change them # programmatically as follows: config['default.instrument'] = 'IRIS' config["default.facility"] = "ISIS" # Get the information for IRIS runs 21360 and 26173. info_table = RetrieveRunInfo(Runs="IRS21360,IRS26173") print("The table contains information about {} runs.".format(info_table.rowCount())) print("The first has run number {}.".format(info_table.cell("run_number", 0))) print("The second has run number {}.".format(info_table.cell("run_number", 1))) print("The title of the second run is \"{}.\"".format(info_table.cell("run_title", 1).strip())) .. testcleanup:: ExSingleRun config['default.instrument'] = old_inst config['default.facility'] = old_facility Output: .. testoutput:: ExSingleRun The table contains information about 2 runs. The first has run number 21360. The second has run number 26173. The title of the second run is "Vanadium cylinder standard PG002." .. categories:: .. sourcelink::