.. algorithm:: .. summary:: .. relatedalgorithms:: .. properties:: Description ----------- This algorithm saves a :ref:`diffraction calibration workspace `, ``MaskWorkspace``, and ``GroupingWorkspace`` to a HDF5 file. The hierarchy of the HDF5 file is as follows: | calibration | detid | dasid (only if present in CalibrationWorkspace) | difc | difa (only if not all values are zero) | tzero (only if not all values are zero) | group | use ("0" if detector is not successfully calibrated, "1" otherwise) | offset (only if present in CalibrationWorkspace) | instrument | name | instrument_source (absolute path to the instrument definition file) This can be used in an alternate mode without a ``CalibrationWorkspace`` to write out the grouping workspace with the ``difc`` values all set to zero. .. categories:: .. sourcelink::