.. algorithm:: .. summary:: .. relatedalgorithms:: .. properties:: Description ----------- A Fullprof's resolution file contains the peak profile parameters and some powder diffractometer's geometry related parameters in a certain format. This algorithm reads a TableWorkspace containing all the information required by Fullprof's resolution file, and write out a text file conforming to that resolution file's format. Peak Profile Supported ---------------------- Here is the list of peak profile supported by this algorithm: - Back-to-back Exponential Convoluted with Pseudo-voigt peak profile (profile 9). - Thermal Neutron Back-to-back Exponential Convoluted with Pseudo-voigt peak profile (profile 10). Instrument Profile Parameter TableWorkspace ------------------------------------------- TableWorkspace as the input of this algorithm can be generated from *CreateLeBailFitInput*, *RefinePowderInstrumentParameters* or *LeBailFit*. To be noticed that the TableWorkspace output from *RefinePowderInstrumentParameters* is usually an intermediate product. Input TableWorkspace must have two columns, "Name" and "Value", as column 0 and 1. There is no restriction on other columns. For a multiple bank instrument, from the second column, the name of the columns should be Value\_1, Value\_2 and so on. A row with parameter name 'BANK' should be there to indicate the bank ID of a specific row of parameters corresponding to. How to use algorithm with other algorithms ------------------------------------------ Le Bail Fit ########### This algorithm is designed to work with other algorithms to do Le Bail fit. The introduction can be found in `Le Bail Fit `__. Save For Multiple-Bank Resolution File ###################################### As SaveFullprofResolution can save 1 bank a time, in order to make a multiple-bank .irf file, user should execute this algorithm a few times. Except the first time, property 'Append' should be marked as 'True'. Usage ----- **Example - Save instrument profile parameters from a table workspace to Fullprof .irf file:** .. testcode:: ExSaveIrf import os wsname = 'PG3Bank1Table' LoadFullprofResolution(Filename=r'PG3_Bank1.irf',OutputTableWorkspace=wsname) targetdir = config['default.savedirectory'] if targetdir == "": targetdir = config['defaultsave.directory'] savefile = os.path.join(targetdir, 'test.irf') SaveFullprofResolution(InputWorkspace=wsname, OutputFilename=savefile, Bank=1, ProfileFunction='Jason Hodge\'s function (profile 10)') .. testcleanup:: ExSaveIrf import os os.remove(savefile) .. categories:: .. sourcelink::