.. algorithm:: .. summary:: .. relatedalgorithms:: .. properties:: Description ----------- Save a :ref:`PeaksWorkspace ` to a ISAW-style ASCII .peaks file. The :ref:`PeaksWorkspace ` consists of individual Peaks, each of which has an individual PeakShape relating to the way the workspace has been integrated. The PeakShape information is not saved out in the ISAW peaks format. To save the full peak information, use the NeXus format :ref:`SaveNexus `. Usage ----- .. testcode:: import os # Prepare a PeaksWorkspace to save. # Create a run workspace ws = CreateSampleWorkspace() # Create a peaks workspace pws = CreatePeaksWorkspace(ws) # Add two peaks to the peaks workspace AddPeak( pws, ws, TOF=100, DetectorID=101, Height=1 ) AddPeak( pws, ws, TOF=200, DetectorID=102, Height=2 ) peak = pws.getPeak(1).setPeakNumber(2) peak = pws.getPeak(2).setPeakNumber(3) # Save the peaks workspace to a file in the user's home directory isawPeaksFilePath = os.path.expanduser('~/MantidUsageExample_ISawFile.peaks') SaveIsawPeaks( pws, isawPeaksFilePath ) # Read the saved file back in f = open( isawPeaksFilePath, 'r' ) file = f.read().split('\n') f.close() # Print out 11 first lines of the peaks file, skipping line #8 because it's # different on different systems and breaks tests for line in file[:9]: # print the line stripping any ending white spaces print(line.rstrip()) for line in file[10:12]: # print the line stripping any ending white spaces print(line.rstrip()) Output ###### .. testoutput:: :options: +ELLIPSIS Version: 2.0 Facility: Unknown Instrument: basic_rect Date: 1990-01-01T00:00:01 6 L1 T0_SHIFT 7 1000.0000 0.000 4 DETNUM NROWS NCOLS WIDTH HEIGHT DEPTH DETD CenterX CenterY CenterZ BaseX BaseY BaseZ UpX UpY UpZ 5 1 10 10 8.0000 8.0000 0.2000 500.00 0.0000 0.0000 500.0000 1.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 1.00000 0.00000 5 2 10 10 8.0000 8.0000 0.2000 1000.00 0.0000 0.0000 1000.0000 1.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 1.00000 0.00000 0 NRUN DETNUM CHI PHI OMEGA MONCNT 1 0 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 2 SEQN H K L COL ROW CHAN L2 2_THETA AZ WL D IPK INTI SIGI RFLG 3 2 0 0 0 0.00 1.00 100 500.001 0.00160 1.57080 0.026374 16.4835 0 1.00 1.00 310 3 3 0 0 0 0.00 2.00 200 500.003 0.00320 1.57080 0.052747 16.4835 0 2.00 1.41 310 .. testcleanup:: os.remove( isawPeaksFilePath ) .. categories:: .. sourcelink::