.. algorithm:: .. summary:: .. relatedalgorithms:: .. properties:: Description ----------- Saves a processed nexus file similar to :ref:`algm-SaveNexusProcessed`, but provides nexus geometry which is an accurate snapshot of the calibrated/transformed instrument geometry in-memory. One current major difference between the two algorithms is that SaveNexusESS does not support the generation of a single processed file based on a :ref:`GroupWorkspace ` input. The algorithm writes out spectra-detector mappings and can handle detector groupings. This algorithm may be deprecated in future in favour of a master :ref:`algm-SaveNexusProcessed` algorithm. This algorithm currently provides not shape information for component geometry. Usage ----- .. Try not to use files in your examples, but if you cannot avoid it then the (small) files must be added to autotestdata\UsageData and the following tag unindented .. include:: ../usagedata-note.txt **Example - SaveNexusESS** .. testcode:: SaveNexusESSExample from mantid.simpleapi import * import os import tempfile simple_run = CreateSampleWorkspace(NumBanks=2, BankPixelWidth=10) destination = os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), "sample_processed.nxs") SaveNexusESS(Filename=destination, InputWorkspace=simple_run) print("Created: {}".format(os.path.isfile(destination))) os.remove(destination) Output: .. testoutput:: SaveNexusESSExample Created: True .. categories:: .. sourcelink::