.. algorithm:: .. summary:: .. relatedalgorithms:: .. properties:: Description ----------- This algorithm exports a given :ref:`Workspace2D ` to a YAML format which supposed to be read by the `Frida 2.0 `_ software for further data analysis. The algorithm has been developed for the TOFTOF instrument, but can be used for other TOF instruments as well. Limitations ########### The input workspace must be a Wokspace2D with an instrument. The X unit of the workspace has to be 'DeltaE' Y axis must be a Spectrum axis or it's unit has to be 'Momentum Transfer'. Usage ----- **Example - SaveYDA** .. testcode:: SaveYDAExample import os import numpy as np from sys import stdout # create x and y data dataX = np.arange(12).reshape(3, 4) dataY = np.arange(9).reshape(3, 3) # create sample workspace ws = CreateWorkspace(DataX=dataX, DataY=dataY, DataE=np.sqrt(dataY), NSpec=3, UnitX="DeltaE") # add Instrument LoadInstrument(ws,True,InstrumentName="TOFTOF") #add sample Logs AddSampleLog(ws,"proposal_number","3") AddSampleLog(ws, "proposal_title", "Proposal Title") AddSampleLog(ws,"experiment_team","Experiment Team name") AddSampleLog(ws,"temperature","200.0", LogUnit="F") AddSampleLog(ws,"Ei","1.0",LogUnit="meV") # test file name filename = os.path.join(config["defaultsave.directory"], "TestSaveYDA.yaml") # save file SaveYDA(ws, filename) with open(filename,'r') as f: for i in range(12): stdout.write(f.readline()) **Output:** .. testoutput:: SaveYDAExample Meta: format: yaml/frida 2.0 type: generic tabular data History: - Proposal number 3 - Proposal Title - Experiment Team name - data reduced with mantid Coord: x: {name: w, unit: meV} y: {name: 'S(q,w)', unit: meV-1} z: [{name: 2th, unit: deg}] .. testcleanup:: SaveYDAExample DeleteWorkspace("ws") os.remove(filename) .. categories:: .. sourcelink::