.. algorithm:: .. summary:: .. relatedalgorithms:: .. properties:: Description ----------- Given a PeaksWorkspace with a :ref:`UB matrix ` corresponding to a Niggli reduced cell, this algorithm will allow the user to select a conventional cell corresponding to a specific form number from the Mighell paper. If the apply flag is not set, the information about the selected cell will just be displayed. If the apply flag is set, the :ref:`UB matrix ` associated with the sample in the PeaksWorkspace will be updated to a :ref:`UB matrix ` corresponding to the selected cell AND the peaks will be re-indexed using the new :ref:`UB matrix `. The output transformation matrix :math:`M` will change :math:`UB` to :math:`UBM^{-1}` and map each :math:`(HKL)` vector to :math:`M(HKL)`. It can be further used by the :ref:`TransformHKL ` algorithm. NOTE: The possible conventional cells, together with the corresponding errors in the cell scalars can be seen by running the :ref:`ShowPossibleCells ` algorithm, provided the stored :ref:`UB matrix ` corresponds to a Niggli reduced cell. This algorithm is based on the paper: Alan D. Mighell, *Lattice Symmetry and Identification—The Fundamental Role of Reduced Cells in Materials Characterization.* Journal of research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology **106.6** (2001): 983, available from: `nvlpubs `_. Usage ----- **Example:** .. testcode:: ExSelectCellWithForm ws=LoadIsawPeaks("TOPAZ_3007.peaks") FindUBUsingFFT(ws,MinD=8.0,MaxD=13.0) print("Lattice before SelectCellWithForm:") lattice = ws.sample().getOrientedLattice() print(" ".join("{:.9f}".format(x) for x in [lattice.a(), lattice.b(), lattice.c(), lattice.alpha(), lattice.beta(), lattice.gamma()])) SelectCellWithForm(PeaksWorkspace='ws', FormNumber=25, Apply=True) print("\nLattice after SelectCellWithForm:") lattice = ws.sample().getOrientedLattice() print(" ".join("{:.9f}".format(x) for x in [lattice.a(), lattice.b(), lattice.c(), lattice.alpha(), lattice.beta(), lattice.gamma()])) Output: .. testoutput:: ExSelectCellWithForm Lattice before SelectCellWithForm: 8.605818643 11.935925461 11.941812766 107.429088323 98.752912466 98.951193475 Lattice after SelectCellWithForm: 14.131051152 19.247332564 8.605818643 89.881170675 105.071333770 89.970386662 .. categories:: .. sourcelink::