.. algorithm:: .. summary:: .. relatedalgorithms:: .. properties:: Description ----------- Set properties of the beam on a given workspace. Current support is limited to specifying the beam geometry, which sets a Slit (rectangular) or Circular profile, with properties of either width and height, or radius, respectively. Geometry Flags -------------- The following `Geometry` flags are recognised by the algorithm: - `Shape`: A string indicating the geometry type. Supports `Slit` and `Circle`. - `Height`: Height of the slit in centimeters. Required for the Slit setting. - `Width`: Width of the slit in centimeters. Required for the Slit setting. - `Radius`: Radius of the circle in centimeters. Required for the Circle setting. Usage ----- .. testcode:: SetBeamExample wsSlit = CreateSampleWorkspace() SetBeam(wsSlit, Geometry={'Shape': 'Slit', 'Width': 1.0, 'Height': 0.75}) wsCircle = CreateSampleWorkspace() SetBeam(wsCircle, Geometry={'Shape': 'Circle', 'Radius': 1.0}) .. categories:: .. sourcelink::