.. algorithm:: .. summary:: .. relatedalgorithms:: .. properties:: Description ----------- Given a PeaksWorkspace with a :ref:`UB matrix ` corresponding to a Niggli reduced cell, this algorithm will display a list of possible conventional cells. The max scalar error property sets a limit on the maximum allowed error in the cell scalars, to restrict the list to possible cells that are a good match for the current reduced cell. The list can also be forced to contain only the best fitting conventional cell for each Bravais lattice type, by setting the best only property to true. This algorithm is based on the paper: Alan D. Mighell, *Lattice Symmetry and Identification—The Fundamental Role of Reduced Cells in Materials Characterization.* Journal of research of the National Institute of Standards and Technology **106.6** (2001): 983, available from: `nvlpubs `_. Usage ----- **Example:** .. testcode:: ExShowPossibleCells ws = LoadIsawPeaks("TOPAZ_3007.peaks") FindUBUsingFFT(ws,MinD=8.0,MaxD=13.0) ShowPossibleCells(PeaksWorkspace=ws) alg = ws.getHistory().lastAlgorithm() print("Num Cells : {}".format(alg.getPropertyValue("NumberOfCells"))) Output: .. testoutput:: ExShowPossibleCells Num Cells : 2 .. categories:: .. sourcelink::