.. algorithm:: .. summary:: .. relatedalgorithms:: .. properties:: .. warning:: This algorithm is deprecated in favour of :ref:`PaalmanPingsMonteCarloAbsorption `. Description ----------- Sets up a sample shape, along with the required material properties, and runs the :ref:`MonteCarloAbsorption ` algorithm. This algorithm merely serves as a simpler interface to define the shape & material of the sample without having to resort to the more complex :ref:`CreateSampleShape ` & :ref:`SetSampleMaterial ` algorithms. The computational part is all taken care of by :ref:`MonteCarloAbsorption `. Please see that documentation for more details. Currently the shape geometries supported are: * Flat Plate * Cylinder * Annulus Workflow -------- .. diagram:: SimpleShapeMonteCarloAbsorption-v1_wkflw.dot Usage ----- **Example** .. testcode:: QENSSimpleShapeMonteCarloAbsorption qens_ws = CreateSampleWorkspace(Function="Quasielastic", XUnit="Wavelength", XMin=-0.5, XMax=0.5, BinWidth=0.01) corrected = SimpleShapeMonteCarloAbsorption(InputWorkspace = qens_ws, ChemicalFormula = 'H2-O', DensityType = 'Mass Density', Density = 1.0, EventsPerPoint = 200, BeamHeight = 3.5, BeamWidth = 4.0, Height = 2.0, Shape = 'FlatPlate', Width = 1.4, Thickness = 2.1) print("y-axis label: {}".format(corrected.YUnitLabel())) .. testcleanup:: QENSSimpleShapeMonteCarloAbsorption DeleteWorkspace(qens_ws) DeleteWorkspace(corrected) **Output:** .. testoutput:: QENSSimpleShapeMonteCarloAbsorption y-axis label: Attenuation factor .. categories:: .. sourcelink::