.. algorithm:: .. summary:: .. relatedalgorithms:: .. properties:: Description ----------- This algorithm is for producing rocking curves from alignment scan runs. It is for use only with ADARA-style SNS datasets as it requires the 'scan\_index' log variable. The algorithm optionally uses the :ref:`algm-MaskDetectors` and/or :ref:`algm-FilterByXValue` algorithms to restrict the region of data included. **N.B. If these options are used, then this algorithm will modify the input workspace.** The :ref:`algm-SumEventsByLogValue` algorithm is then called, with 'scan\_index' as the log to sum against. The row of the resulting table pertaining to scan\_index=0 (which indicates 'not a scan point') is then removed. Before then it will call other algorithms as shown in the flowchart, if the relevant inputs have been set. :ref:`algm-MaskDetectors` will be called if a MaskWorkspace is supplied. If either Xmin or Xmax or both are supplied, then :ref:`algm-FilterByXValue` algorithm is run to restrict the region of data included and if RangeUnit is not TOF, :ref:`algm-ConvertUnits` is run beforehand. If necessary, the input workspace is cloned, to save it from being modified. .. image:: ../images/StepScanWorkflow.png .. categories:: .. sourcelink:: :cpp: Framework/WorkflowAlgorithms/src/StepScan.cpp :h: Framework/WorkflowAlgorithms/inc/MantidWorkflowAlgorithms/StepScan.h