.. algorithm:: .. summary:: .. relatedalgorithms:: .. properties:: Description ----------- This is a wrapper for :ref:`algm-StripPeaks` algorithm used with the peak positions for Vanadium. - A list of vanadium peak positions in d-spacing is used for the central peak positions: 0.5044,0.5191,0.5350,0.5526,0.5936,0.6178,0.6453,0.6768,0.7134,0.7566,0.8089,0.8737,0.9571,1.0701,1.2356,1.5133,2.1401 - The vanadium peaks are fit to a function combined from Gaussian and linear/quadratic background. Usage ----- .. include:: ../usagedata-note.txt **Example:** .. testcode:: ExStripPeak ws = Load("PG3_733.nxs") wsOut = StripVanadiumPeaks(ws,BackgroundType="Linear",WorkspaceIndex=2) i = 1529 print("This peak at %.4f Angstroms has been reduced from %.0f to a background level of %.0f" % (wsOut.readX(2)[i],ws.readY(2)[i], wsOut.readY(2)[i])) Output: .. testoutput:: ExStripPeak :options: +ELLIPSIS This peak at ... Angstroms has been reduced from ... to a background level of ... .. categories:: .. sourcelink::