.. algorithm:: .. summary:: .. relatedalgorithms:: .. properties:: Description ----------- This algorithm is the equivalent of the COLETTE "DISPLAY H/V" command. It firsts integrates the input workspace, which must contain all the spectra from the detector of interest - no more and no less (so 128x128 or 192x192), between the X values given. Then each row or column is summed between the H/V\_Min/Max values, if given, and the result is a single spectrum of row or column number against total counts. ChildAlgorithms used #################### The :ref:`algm-Integration` algorithm is used to sum up each spectrum between XMin & XMax. Usage ----- **Example - Sum rows of a 128*128 workspace** .. testcode:: ExSumRowColumnSimple # Create a workspace with 128*128 spectra each with 5 values (only 128*128 or 192*192 are valid) ws = CreateSampleWorkspace("Histogram", NumBanks=1, BankPixelWidth=128, BinWidth=10, Xmax=50) # Run algorithm with Horizontal orientation OutputWorkspace = SumRowColumn( ws, "D_H") print("Input workspace has {} points.".format(ws.getNPoints())) print("Output workspace has {} points.".format(OutputWorkspace.getNPoints())) Output: .. testoutput:: ExSumRowColumnSimple Input workspace has 81920 points. Output workspace has 128 points. .. categories:: .. sourcelink::