.. algorithm:: .. summary:: .. relatedalgorithms:: .. properties:: Description ----------- This algorithm is used mainly in tandem with the output of BayesQuasi when the data contains multiple peaks. Quasi Lines Usage ----- **Example - a basic example using SwapWidths.** .. testcode:: SwapWidthsExample # Load workspace to perform swap with ws = Load(Filename='IN16B_125878_QLd_Result.nxs') # Perform Swap (data crosses at bin 5) result = SwapWidths(InputWorkspace=ws, SwapPoint=5) # Print the result print("The resulting workspace has %d bins and %d histograms." % (result.blocksize(), result.getNumberHistograms())) Output: .. testoutput:: SwapWidthsExample :options: +NORMALIZE_WHITESPACE The resulting workspace has 16 bins and 2 histograms. .. categories:: .. sourcelink::