.. algorithm:: .. summary:: .. relatedalgorithms:: .. properties:: Description ----------- This algorithm calculates the resolution of the scattering angle (theta) and final flight path (L1) for a VESUVIO calibration provided by a PAR file. The calculation is performed using a Monte Carlo simulation that simulates the path of a neutron between a random point on the face of the sample to a random point on the face of each detector. Usage ----- **Example - VesuvioL1ThetaResolution** .. testcode:: VesuvioL1ThetaResolutionExample resolution, l1_dist, theta_dist = VesuvioL1ThetaResolution(NumEvents=1000) resolution_spec_names = resolution.getAxis(1).extractValues() print("Resolution spectra: %s" % (', '.join(resolution_spec_names))) print("L1 distribution spectra count: %d" % (l1_dist.getNumberHistograms())) print("Theta distribution spectra count: %d" % (theta_dist.getNumberHistograms())) Output: .. testoutput:: VesuvioL1ThetaResolutionExample Resolution spectra: l1_Mean, l1_StdDev, theta_Mean, theta_StdDev L1 distribution spectra count: 196 Theta distribution spectra count: 196 .. categories:: .. sourcelink::