.. _func-GauBroadGauKT: ============= GauBroadGauKT ============= .. index:: GauBroadGauKT Description ----------- Gaussian-Broadened Gaussian Kubo-Toyabe relaxation function given by: .. math:: A(t)=A_0\left(\frac{1}{3}+\frac{2}{3}\left(\frac{1+R^2}{1+R^2+R^2\Delta^2_\text{eff}t^2}\right)^{\frac{3}{2}}\left(1- \frac{\Delta^2_\text{eff}t^2}{1+R^2+R^2\Delta^2_\text{eff}t^2}\right)exp\left(\frac{-\Delta^2_\text{eff}t^2}{2(1+R^2+R^2\Delta^2_\text{eff}t^2)}\right)\right) where :math:`R` and :math:`\Delta^2_\text{eff}` are defined by, .. math:: R = \frac{\omega}{\Delta_0}, .. math:: \Delta^2_\text{eff} = \Delta^2_0 + \omega^2, where, :math:`A_0` is the amplitude, :math:`R` the Broadening ratio, :math:`\Delta_0` is the central width, :math:`\omega` is the rms width, and :math:`\Delta_{eff}` is the effective width. .. plot:: from mantid.simpleapi import FunctionWrapper import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np x = np.arange(0.1,16,0.1) y = FunctionWrapper("GauBroadGauKT") fig, ax=plt.subplots() ax.plot(x, y(x)) ax.set_xlabel('t($\mu$s)') ax.set_ylabel('A(t)') .. attributes:: .. properties:: References ---------- [1] `D.R. Noakes et al, PRB 56 2352 (1997) `_. [2] `D.E. Maclaughlin et al, PRB 89 144419 (2014) `_. .. categories:: .. sourcelink::