.. _func-Hall-Ross: ========= Hall-Ross ========= .. index:: Hall-Ross Description ----------- Models the Q dependence of the QENS line width (Gamma (hwhm)), diffusion coefficients (D), residence times (tau) and jump lengths (l) to extract the associated long range diffusive motions of molecules. The Hall-Ross Jump diffusion model [1]_ has the form: .. math:: Gamma(Q) = \frac{\hbar}{\tau} \cdot (1-\exp(-\frac{l^2 Q^2}{2})) Units of :math:`l` are inverse units of :math:`Q`. Units of :math:`Gamma` are meV if units of :math:`\tau` are ps. Alternatively, units of :math:`Gamma` are :math:`\mu`eV if units of :math:`\tau` are ns. Mean square diffusion jump length :math:`= 3 l^2 \ \AA^2`. Diffusion coefficient :math:`D = \frac{l^2}{2 \tau} \ \AA^2 ps^{-1}`. .. attributes:: .. properties:: References ---------- .. [1] P. L. Hall and D. K. Ross, Mol. Phys. 42, 673 (1981) .. categories:: .. sourcelink::