.. _func-MuMinusExpTF: ============ MuMinusExpTF ============ .. index:: MuMinusExpTF Description ----------- A relatxation function for negative muons in Traverse field. .. math:: N(t)=N_0e^{-frac{t}{\tau}}\left(1+Ae^{-\lambda t}\cos(2\pi\nu t + \phi)\right) where, :math:`N_O` is the count at :math:`t=0` , :math:`\tau` is the muon decay life time, :math:`A` is the relative amplitude of the oscillatory term, :math:`\lambda` (MHz) is the relaxation rateo f the oscillatory term, :math:`\nu` is the oscillating frequency, and :math:`\phi` is the phase. .. plot:: from mantid.simpleapi import FunctionWrapper import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np x = np.arange(0.1,16,0.1) y = FunctionWrapper("MuMinusExpTF") fig, ax=plt.subplots() ax.plot(x, y(x)) ax.set_xlabel('t($\mu$s)') ax.set_ylabel('A(t)') .. attributes:: .. properties:: References ---------- [1] `PSI MUSRFIT documentation `_. .. categories:: .. sourcelink::