.. _func-RFresonance: =========== RFresonance =========== .. index:: RFresonance Description ----------- General off resonance case of an applied RF field. .. math:: A(t)= A_0\{1+\left(\cos(\gamma_\mu Bt)e^{-{\Delta t}^2-1}-1\right)\frac{B^2}{B_\text{eff}^2}\} with .. math:: B_\text{eff} = \sqrt{B^2 + (B - B_0)^2} ,where, :math:`A_0` is the amplitude, :math:`B` (G) is applied B field, :math:`B_0` (G) is the central B field of the resonance, and :math:`\Delta` (MHz) is the decay rate. .. plot:: from mantid.simpleapi import FunctionWrapper import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np x = np.arange(0.1,16,0.1) y = FunctionWrapper("RFresonance") fig, ax=plt.subplots() ax.plot(x, y(x)) ax.set_xlabel('t($\mu$s)') ax.set_ylabel('A(t)') .. attributes:: .. properties:: References ---------- [1] `S.R. Kreitzman, Hyperfine Interactions 65 1058 (1990) `_. .. categories:: .. sourcelink::